Few words about us

Emphasis of Community

While our clients spend a lot of time in individual sessions, they will spend much of their treatment in group therapy meetings. During this time, valuable bonds are fostered and a meaningful community is cultivated. You will share your thoughts, feelings, and stories with one another while facilitating each other’s recovery by providing helpful advice and invaluable support. The people you meet here may be your friends long after you leave treatment and remain sober.

Feeling this support is so crucial to addiction recovery at a substance abuse treatment facility. You need to feel that you are not the only one struggling with this disease and that there are plenty of people with similar struggles that are willing to support and guide you during this difficult time. Group sessions provide a worthy feeling of relief as you labor during treatment.

Our Methods

Utilizing a variety of advanced addiction techniques, we are able to serve our clients with superior care and utmost compassion.

Dual Diagnosis Mental Health Treatment
For the half of people with addictions that also suffer from an underlying disorder, dual diagnosis treats both conditions simultaneously to treat the individual’s overall mental health.
Supervised Detoxification
With a carefully supervised detox, clients get the chance to rid themselves of their physical dependence as comfortably and safely as it can be.
Advanced Aftercare
When the client goes to leave our addiction treatment center, recovery isn’t over. They need the proper support and guidance put in place to remain sober indefinitely.